IAAPA Expo 2020 cancelled due to COVID-19

The International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA) has announced the cancellation of their IAAPA Expo 2020 in Orlando, Florida – while also advising of an inaugural IAAPA Expo Virtual Education Conference to take place 16th -18th November, the same week IAAPA Expo was originally planned for.
The association is launching the new virtual conference for global attractions industry professionals so that they can take part in many of the education sessions originally planned to take place at IAAPA Expo. Participants will be able to virtually attend 25 sessions and two keynote presentations. These sessions were part of IAAPA Expo’s conference program and will feature leading industry professionals.
IAAPA President and Chief Executive, Hal McEvoy advised “IAAPA Expo serves as the global marketplace for the attractions industry. We recognise this year there are many challenges facing our members from around the world.
“Together with input from members, exhibitors, the IAAPA Board of Directors and our team, we have decided to cancel this year’s Expo due to the ongoing impacts of COVID-19. The continuing barriers to international and domestic travel coupled with the evolving guidance on mass gatherings, and members’ need to focus on their businesses helped lead to this decision.
McEvoy added “while we are disappointed we are unable to meet in-person this year, we are already looking ahead to IAAPA Expo 2021 in Orlando.
“We also appreciate the patience, support and commitment from our dedicated IAAPA Expo exhibitors. The IAAPA team has already pivoted to address finding new ways industry manufacturers and suppliers can connect with their customers to promote their products, discover new trends, and make plans for the future.”
Current contracted IAAPA Expo 2020 exhibitors should contact the IAAPA Global Sales Team at ExhibitSales@IAAPA.org to discuss options related to the cancellation and next steps. IAAPA is moving forward with plans to host IAAPA Expo Asia 2021, scheduled to take place in Macao, China, 7th to 10th June 2021; IAAPA Expo Europe 2021 in Barcelona, Spain, 28th – 30th September 2021; and IAAPA Expo 2021 in Orlando, Florida, 16th – 19th November 2021.
Additional details and registration information for IAAPA Expo Virtual Education Conference 2020 will be available online at https://iaapa.org/
Image: IAAPA President and Chief Executive, Hal McEvoy
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